DOCUMENT:Q104842 30-DEC-1993 [W_NT] TITLE :Changes to Windows NT Driver Library: Network Card Adapters PRODUCT :Windows NT PROD/VER:3.10 OPER/SYS:WINDOWS KEYWORDS: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The information in this article applies to: - Microsoft Windows NT operating system version 3.1 - Microsoft Windows NT Advanced Server version 3.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY ======= Below is a summary of the changes to the network card adapter drivers in the Microsoft Windows NT Driver Library (WNTDL). The WNTDL offers support for several printers, displays, and network adapter cards not provided with Windows NT version 3.1. To see WNTDL.TXT, which contains a complete listing of the WNTDL's contents and instructions for obtaining the WNTDL, query on "Q100209" (without the quotation marks) in the Microsoft Knowledge Base. MORE INFORMATION ================ 3Com Etherlink/MC 32 NDIS 3.1 (3C527.EXE) ----------------------------------------- 09/27/93 - 3C527.EXE has been added to the WNTDL. This NDIS 3.0 network adapter driver (version 1.00F)is for use with 3Com 3C527 32- bit bus mastering Micro Channel Ethernet adapter. Also contains a license agreement. See WNTDL.TXT for other specific network cards supported by this driver. 3Com FDDILink-F NDIS 3.1 (3C770.EXE) ------------------------------------ 09/27/93 - 3C770.EXE has been added to the WNTDL. This NDIS 3.0 network adapter driver (version 1.00A) is for use with the 3Com 3C770 EISA FDDI adapter. Also contains a license agreement. See WNTDL.TXT for other specific network cards supported by this driver. Crescendo C320 FDDI/CDDI Adapter NDIS 3.0 (C320NT.EXE) ------------------------------------------------------ 10/28/93 - C320NT.EXE has been added to the WNTDL. This NDIS 3.0 network adapter driver is for use with the Crescendo C320 FDDI/CDDI adapter. DCA Irma 16/4 Token Ring Adapter NDIS 3.0 (IRMA.EXE) ---------------------------------------------------- 12/28/93 - This file is new to the WNTDL and supports tne IRMAtrac Token Ring adapter. Hewlett-Packard ISA Ethernet Adapters NDIS 3.0 (HPISA.EXE) ---------------------------------------------------------- 10/28/93 - HPISA.EXE has been added to the WNTDL. This NDIS 3.0 network adapter is for use with the Hewlett-Packard ISA Ethernet Adapters. Hewlett-Packard MC LAN Adapter /16 TP NDIS 3.0 (HPMCA.EXE) ---------------------------------------------------------- 10/28/93 - HPMCA.EXE has been added to the WNTDL. This NDIS 3.0 network adapter driver for use with the Hewlett-Packard MC LAN Adapter /16 TP Ethernet Adapter. Intel 16-Bit Token Ring Server Adapter (TKXP32.EXE) --------------------------------------------------- 09/27/93 - TKXP32.EXE has been added to the WNTDL. This NDIS 3.0 network adapter driver is for use with the Intel 32-bit 16/4 EISA Token Ring adapter. Also contains a license agreement. See WNTDL.TXT for other specific network cards supported by this driver. Intel 32-Bit Token Ring Server Adapter (TKXP16.EXE) --------------------------------------------------- 09/27/93 - TKXP16.EXE has been added to the WNTDL. This NDIS 3.0 network adapter driver is for use with Intel 16-bit ISA, EISA, and MCA 16/4 Token Ring adapters. Also contains a license agreement. See WNTDL.TXT for other specific network cards supported by this driver. Intel EtherExpress 16 NDIS 3.0 (EE16NT.EXE) -------------------------------------------- 12/28/93 - This file is new to the WNTDL and supports the Intel EtherExpress 16 adapters. Intel PCLA82xx Ethernet Adapter NDIS 3.0 (82595.EXE) ---------------------------------------------------- 10/28/93 - 82595.EXE has been added to the WNTDL. This NDIS 3.0 network adapter driver is for use with the Intel PCLA82xx Ethernet Adapter. Madge SMART 16/4 Ringnode Adapters (MADGNT.EXE) ----------------------------------------------- 12/28/93 - This file contains an updated driver that corrects warm-boot beckoning problems, removes extraneous two-second IndicateStatus calls, and adds locally administered addresses. 09/27/93 - MADGNT.EXE has been added to the WNTDL. This NDIS 3.0 network adapter is for use with Intel Madge SMART ISA, EISA, and MCA Token Ring 16/4 adapters. Also includes a license agreement. See WNTDL.TXT for other specific network cards supported by this driver. NCR WaveLAN AT & MCA Adapters NDIS 3.0 (WAVLAN.EXE) --------------------------------------------------- 10/28/93 - WAVLAN.EXE has been added to the WNTDL. This NDIS 3.0 network adapter driver is for use with the NCR WaveLAN AT and MCA Adapters. Olicom 16-Bit Token Ring Adapter (OCTK16.EXE) --------------------------------------------- 09/27/93 - OCTK16.EXE has been added to the WNTDL. This NDIS 3.0 network adapter driver is for use with Olicom 16-bit ISA, EISA, and MCA 16/4 Token Ring adapters. Also contains a license agreement. See WNTDL.TXT for other specific network cards supported by this driver. Olicom 32-Bit Token Ring Server Adapter (OCTK32.EXE) ---------------------------------------------------- 09/27/93 - OCTK32.EXE has been added to the WNTDL. This NDIS 3.0 network adapter driver is for use with the Olicom 32-bit 16/4 EISA Token Ring adapter. Also contains a license agreement. See WNTDL.TXT for other specific network cards supported by this driver. Proteon p189x Token Ring Adapter (P189X.EXE) -------------------------------------------- 09/27/93 - P189X.EXE has been added to the WNTDL. This NDIS 3.0 network adapter driver (version 3.03) is for use with Proteon proNET 4/16 16-bit Micro Channel Token Ring adapter. Also contains a license agreement. See WNTDL.TXT for other specific network cards supported by this driver. Proteon p139xx Token Ring Adapter (P139XX.EXE) ---------------------------------------------- 09/27/93 - P139XX.EXE has been added to the WNTDL. This NDIS 3.0 network adapter driver (version 3.03) is for use with the Proteon proNET 4/16 16-bit ISA Token Ring adapter. Also contains a license agreement. See WNTDL.TXT for other specific network cards supported by this driver. Proteon p199x Token Ring Adapter (P199X.EXE) -------------------------------------------- 09/27/93 - P199X.EXE has been added to the WNTDL. This NDIS 3.0 network adapter driver (version 3.03) is for use with Proteon proNET 4/16 32-bit EISA Token Ring adapters. Also contains a license agreement. See WNTDL.TXT for other specific network cards supported by this driver. Additional reference words: 3.10 KBCategory: KBSubCategory: winnt ============================================================================= THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THE MICROSOFT KNOWLEDGE BASE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. MICROSOFT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES SO THE FOREGOING LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY. Copyright Microsoft Corporation 1993.